Align and heal with the powerful vibrations of sound.

Tibetan bowls are an incredible way to fine tune the body and its chakras to higher vibrational frequencies. The human body is made out of 70% water, the use of the bowls on and off the body allows all the water to restructure itself on a cellular level. This shifts the overall state of the body out of lower vibrational ways of being, thus creating a higher vibrational frequency radiating through the body. This has profoundly beautiful healing effects.

Benefits of Sound Healing

  • Removes lower frequencies of emotions like anger, fear,

    guilt, shame, and resentment

  • Restructures water in the body positively impacting cells

  • Reduces stress and blood pressure

  • Stimulates life force within the body

  • Improves concentration

  • Balances the chakras and aligns energetic field

  • Synchronizes the brain hemispheres

  • Enhances creativity

  • Allows deep meditative states to be reached

  • Takes you on a journey back to source

Single Session

Individual sessions are deep transformational alignments. Removing unwanted emotions and stuck energy in specific target areas. The bowls are used on and off the body. We focus on moving the energy up the meridians and clearing the chakras. Personalized chakra healing and alignment.

Group Session

Group sessions are collective healings. Here we welcome everyone to set their own intention and open their hearts to allow the vibration to clear energy and remove blockages. We focus on balancing the seven chakras and connecting to our higher selves. As we trust and allow our bodies will reach a deep meditative state.